Next Kit

Next Kit is a Next.js website starter kit with some popular technologies and an opinionated setup. Its purpose is to give you a head start for your website projects so you can dive into development quicker.

Use this template


Any new site setup takes a bit of work to get fully up and going. This is a template that lets you fire up a Next.js site up quickly with all the goodies setup out of the box.


Getting Started

Getting started is easy, just click here to use this template. You will be taken to github to create a new repo using this template. If you would rather look at the code and use the setup in your existing environment, click here to look at the public repo.

Opinionated Typescript Config

My .tsconfig file utilizes the paths option to easily import components where needed. For example, importing the Button component on this page.

import Head from '@/components/Head'

This makes it easier when you get into larger projects and have nested components.

SEO Optimized Head Component

Included with Next Kit is a Head component that follows (what I think) are the best practices for on page SEO. It has some nice presents like your title & description, as well as some basic open graph meta tags.

Bonus Stuff

Next.js comes with optional server side routing and API routes. These can be utilized on places like Netlify (like this site) or Vercel to name a few. Netlify for example will now detect when you are using Next.js, and will automatically setup serverless functions for your SSR routes.